Kaleido V1.0 Copyright 1994 Technosaurus Rex. Program by David M. Levi and Matthew D. Bednall. Net: Dave@levihome.demon.co.uk. BBS: David Levi at Falcon's Realm. Kaleido is a SHAREWARE program. A SHAREWARE program is one which you may freely distribute, but you cannot charge for it or alter the program or contents or the documentation in any manner. If you use Kaleido & like it you should pay the author(s) the registration fee. ( œ5:00 - See below for details ) ============================================================================== Kaleido is a colour icon editor for the Atari Falcon computer and works in RGB (TV) or VGA. Kaleido will only work in 256 colours with a resolution of 320*200 or 320*240 ============================================================================== Kaleido Options. 16 colour drawing tools Two colour selection ( left & right mouse button ) Line , K-line & Ray-line. Rectangular frame. Filled rectangle. Circlar frame. Filled circle. Fill. Scroll in 4 directions. Cut & paste. Vertical & horizontal flip. Clockwise & anti-clockwise rotation. Vertical & horizontal mirror. Colour swap. Erase icon picture. Undo last selected function. Icon grabbing from pictures. Uncompressed Degas picture formats. Iff picture format. MS-Windows BMP format. Icon grabbing from any file source. colour Plane alignment. Screen width reduction. 16 colour, 4 colour & mono selection. PC screen format colour selection. Gem icon functions. Add or delete. Copy Icons ( normal,selected or mono ) Name icons. Drive letter positioning. Mask copying. Programme Functionality. RGB (TV) or VGA detection. Full online intelligent help functions. Full icon display ( normal, selected, mono, mask & desktop ) Enlarged editing grid. Fast update speeds. Simple to Use. ============================================================================== The Execution of Kaleido is extremely simple. When the program is double clicked the program will display the file selector and ask you to select the deskicon file which you would like to edit ( normal DESKICON.RSC or the Multitos Rsc file DESKCICN.RSC ). The the conputer asks which colour palette you would like ( Atari defaults or your current colour setup ). The program will the load the Rsc file and enter the editing grid. Most icons are self-explanatary and activated purely by clicking on them. On line help is available by pressing function key F1 or HELP. The mouse will change into a question mark and the editing grid will become a help window. Whilst in help mode click on areas of the screen/buttons and the computer will explain the relevent functions or display. To exit Help mode click the right button. Please note that all buttons and functions are disabled during help mode so to display help on other button panels. Select the button panel as normal and then press HELP. ============================================================================== Warning:- Gem buffers all icons in memory and the default value allows for up to 72 icons. Any more than this requires a Gem patch. All desktop functions become unreliable if this limit is exceeded. ============================================================================== Shareware registration: Allowing for updates and bugfixes ( if any are found ) ( Additional œ20 for the source code GFA Basic V3 ) ( and assembler inline source ) Please send œ5:00 to:- D.Levi 241 Chester Rd., Macclesfield, Cheshire. SK11 8RA. Pleeease include your full name,address & postcode for registration. ============================================================================== This program is supplied in the belief that it operates as specified, neither Technosaurus Rex (the company) nor the authors shall not be liable in any circumstance whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss or damage to property incurred or suffered by the customer or any other person as a result of any fault or defect in the goods or services supplied by the company and in no circumstances shall the company be liable against consequential damage or loss of profits (whether or not the possibility thereof was separately advised to it or reasonably forseeable) arising from the use or performance of such goods or services. ==============================================================================